The purpose of the library meeting room is to provide space for programs either sponsored by the library or initiated by the public for cultural, educational, informational, recreational or civic purposes.
Library-sponsored activities shall always take precedence in scheduling meeting room use. Non-library groups shall be treated as equitably as possible for scheduling purposes within the constraints of popular demand and availability of the meeting rooms.
The meeting rooms are available for use by area clubs, organizations, committees, individuals, and businesses with restrictions on use as noted below. The Director’s designee shall determine whether a proposed meeting falls within library policy. This decision may be appealed to the Board of Trustees of the Library.
Types of Use
Library premises may not be used for political meetings or public announcements sponsored by individual candidates for local, state, or federal office. Events, such as candidates’ night, which involve the invitation of all candidates and which are sponsored by independent civic organizations may be held in the library. Government offices may use the library meeting room as a public meeting place for constituents to contact government entities for assistance.
Library premises may not be used for meetings of religious or sectarian groups for the purpose of preaching or otherwise demonstrating the beliefs of their members. Events which involve the invitation of any religious or sectarian groups and which are sponsored by independent organizations may be held in the library.
Groups wishing to conduct fundraising activities for the community or other purposes must receive prior permission from the Director’s designee. No admission charge may be made for any function held in the library. Membership dues and/or registration fees covering the cost of materials or speakers or for refreshments are acceptable. Tickets may not be sold nor donations or free-will offerings taken on behalf of the organization unless approved before hand by the Director’s designee.
No buying or selling of products or services is permitted on library property, except in support of the library, unless prior approval by the Director has been given. Program presenters may not collect names of participants for later financial gain. Library staff may not take part in the collection of fees for non-library sponsored activities in the meeting room. The meeting rooms will be available to groups in the community regardless of the beliefs and/or affiliations of their individual members.
Library premises are not intended to be used by individuals for personal events; i.e. birthday parties, anniversaries, showers, or other celebrations and functions.
Brookville offers a variety of meeting rooms. The large meeting room has a maximum capacity of 105. It offers a built-in A/V system with a mounted projector and screen. Users are responsible for testing their electronic equipment for compatibility. Typically, twenty five-foot tables and seventy-five chairs are housed in this area. If not in use in another location, additional chairs may be utilized. This room may be divided by a folding partition offering capacities of seventy-five and thirty. A separately mounted projector and sound system services the smaller portion. A kitchenette with refrigerator, stove, oven, and sink is located adjacent to the large meeting room.
Brookville’s Flex Room holds 28. It too may be divided by a folding partition. That division results in capacities of twenty and eight. It offers seating and tables. A portable projector and sound system are available if not previously reserved. Use of these items should be requested in advance. Users are responsible for testing their electronic equipment for compatibility.
The meeting room at Laurel has an adjacent kitchenette with an apartment size refrigerator and stove with oven, a microwave, coffee maker, and limited counter space. There are two long folding tables and one children’s height table set up. We also have 25 folding chairs available and there is a small coat rack. There is a large white board on one wall, an overhead projector on a cart, and a TV and DVD player are on another cart. PowerPoint capabilities are also available if requested ahead of time.
Please reserve audiovisual equipment ahead of time.
Rules of Use
Signs and/or other means of advertising an activity of a group are not permitted to be placed where it makes library property appear cluttered, in the way of library staff and/or patrons having access to the buildings for regular library operations or placed where unsafe and, as a result, might damage library property, facilities, equipment, or injure persons passing by.
No activity shall be permitted which shall in any manner be potentially or directly destructive to library property or potentially or directly disruptive to the function of the library.
Furnishings may not be removed from the meeting area without permission of the Director or Director’s designee. Nothing may be attached to or removed from walls, ceiling or floor except on designated bulletin boards or by special permission of the Director or Director’s designee.
Open flames (candles, matches, etc.) and helium-filled balloons are not permitted in the meeting rooms.
Groups may not use library commodities such as coffee, sugar, napkins, etc. The kitchen and appliances, if used, should be left clean.
Set-up and clean-up is the responsibility of the group and must be done during the reserved time. The room must be returned to its original set-up unless prior permission is given. The contact person is responsible for any damage incurred by members of the group.
Tobacco products and alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the library building.
Groups using the library facilities are responsible for the actions of those persons attending their functions and must take full responsibility for loss or damage to any library property, furnishings, and/or equipment occurring as a result of their group’s use of library property.
Use must be confined to the activity for which the facilities are requested. Grounds, furniture, equipment and other property must be properly cared for and returned to a neat and orderly condition following use. Upon leaving the building, meeting room must be inspected by a library staff member and securely locked.
Permission to use an organization’s own equipment in the library must be made when the Meeting Room Use Agreement form is filled out and signed by the responsible party.
Groups meeting while the library is open for business must maintain a noise level that does not interfere with the normal functioning of the library.
The library reserves the right to revoke meeting room privileges for any group it feels has not met the conditions stated in this policy.
No meeting room reservation will be considered final until the library has reviewed the written application. The form should contain complete information about the nature and specific content of the program. The library reserves the right to turn down incomplete applications and programs that are unsuitable or not in keeping with the policies of the library.
Misuse of library property will result in immediate suspension of privileges to hold further meetings in the library.
Meeting Room Procedures for the Public
Reservations may be made up to twelve months in advance. The person reserving the room must fill out a form at the library before a definite confirmation may be made.
Reservations can be tentatively made by calling the respective building during regular business hours, but will not be confirmed until the Director has approved the written request form. Special permission is required at least two weeks prior to your meeting if it must start before or extend beyond regular library hours.
If your meeting has been cancelled or postponed, please notify the library as soon as possible. Another group may be waiting to use the room.
The Library’s Responsibility
The fact that a group is permitted to meet in the library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies, beliefs, or activities by the library.
The library is not responsible for items left in the building.
No storage facilities are available for meeting room users.
The library is not responsible for equipment, supplies, or any other materials owned by the organizations and used in the library. All items brought into the building must be removed immediately after the meeting.
The library reserves the right to cancel a reservation when necessary as a result of conflicts with library activities or when it appears to be in the best interest of the library.