The library is a public place that belongs to everyone. The following are established basic rules of courtesy so our library facilities are pleasant, safe places for all to enjoy.
Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to:
- Possession of alcohol, illegal substances, or a weapon (except as permitted under Indiana Code 35-47-11.1)on library property
- Abusive, threatening, or harassing behavior in any form
- Mutilation, defacement, or theft of library materials and equipment or the private property of staff or other visitors
- Selling, polling, soliciting, panhandling, or loitering on library property
- Intoxication or impairment
- Sexual behavior
- Sleeping in the library
- Strong odors that interfere with or disrupt others from using library spaces
- Use of audible sound devices that disrupt others’ use of the library
- Use of furniture, library equipment and facilities in a manner for which they were not intended
Other rules for the comfort and safety of visitors and staff include, but are not limited to:
- Children under the age of 10 may not be left unattended anywhere in the library
- Smoking or use of tobacco products or e-cigarettes is strictly prohibited both inside and outside the library buildings. We are a smoke-free site.
- Use of library office equipment and/or telephones is not permitted. Courtesy phones for emergencies are available at the main desk at the libraries
- Only service animals or animals involved in library programs are allowed in the library. No unattended animals are allowed on library property
- Visitors who wish to take photographs or videotape or use other recording devices must be authorized by the individuals involved or by the parents or guardians of minors
- All briefcases, luggage, handbags, packages, overcoats and shopping bags may be inspected by library staff at any time
- All visitors must wear shoes and shirts while in the library
- Visitors may not enter non-public areas unless accompanied by library staff
- No roller blades or skateboards may be used on library property
If your conduct or activities violate our rules, you will be asked to change your disruptive behavior. Failure to do so may result in the loss of library privileges, up to and including removal from the building and contacting police. The library defines “disruptive behavior” as any act that interferes with library service or with someone else’s use of the library.